Friday, February 23, 2007

Hi Missouri!

You know it's great to have web counters that tell you something about visitors. The main usage for counters is so it can help developers how to develop for people visiting your site. You know, what kind of browsers they're using, the kind of dimensions their desktop is in, the kind of operating system. Best of all it shows where the IP addresses are coming from. I installed a counter on my site some time ago for the sheer purpose to develop for people who come to my site. But sadly I haven't been developing for my site in how long? too busy i guess.

In past posts, i talked about how my site seems to have a huge influx of visitors from the great state of Missouri. All of whom i believe are looking for a Missouri based hockey association. And it just seems that those people either don't know the site address or it's just not setting in that still doesn't get you the hockey site. In my site counter, i can see how some people get to my site, and most of whom who reside in missouri, are coming from search engines. I can see how they are searching, and saw that some of them are using google with the search parameter of: moiha, or, or all caps: MOIHA.COM. Wow, you still come to my site. Why? Because you're not using Moiha.ORG.

I'm not trying to raise a stink. From time to time, I post an entry, hoping that the good people of Missouri who are looking for will come across my articles and make the connection that doesn not get you a hockey site, but MOIHA.ORG does. So here's to you people of the Missouri Inline Hockey Association... It's MOIHA.ORG you're looking for...



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