Saturday, March 26, 2005

Fluke along with me...

the cool looking flukeAll right so I ended up staying home today, March 26th. I got up this morning and I was planning on going down to see my baby, Cece. When I got up this morning i wasn't feeling up to par. I was kind of faced with a dilema. Either go down and be under par, or stay home and catch on my health. I chose to stay home and catch up on m y health.

Unfortunately for me though, I miss my girlfriend. She had already made plans to be with her famly and hang out with them. So I chose to stay home and learn some ukulele. Yep that's right, i bought a ukulele, namely on called a "fluke". I've been enamoured with this thing. It's by far not a kamaka ukuklele. I willl be learning this puppy for quite some time to come... aw yeah...

Anyways, I'll be keeping you people up to date later... peas.