Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Breathalyzer for Cell Phones!!!

I don't know about most of you all, but it seems that there really should be some kind law that makes cell phone companies produce cell phones that come built in, a breathalyzer. Yeah, that's right, a breathalyzer. You know, when you're either home getting wasted, or out with the spouse getting hammered, the last thing you really need to do is call someone and try to have some kind of conversation with someone who is clearly sober on the other end. I mean as far as technology has progressed today, things are getting cheaper and smaller. I mean hell, cell phones are not exempt from this phenomenon. Look at the Motorola Razr, that thing is so thing. They can surely be able to adapt these things to include breath monitors.

You know, you're out having a great time, and then you have the vague notion to call someone up. See, you have probably a couple of things going ont hrough your mind at this point. One, you call someone up you haven't talked to in some time, and wanna talk about the good times with them. "Hey man, what's up?" "Not much, just workin, doing my thing... nothing really of note." "Yeah that's cool man, but what's up?!" "Um... not much?! Like I said, not a whole lot, just been working a lot lately and doing a few things here and there.. " "REALLY?! BUT... WHAT'S UP!?" "Uh......" Which is how that conversation preeeety much goes. Or you could be drunk and think that playing a prank on your friend would be hella funny too. But really, it's not funny when the person whom you're calling is sober.

Well as fortune would have it, I came across a site on the internet that addresses this. Here it is: . Hope fully this thing comes through to fruition and cuts down on the unnecessary drunk dialing that goes on...