Monday, July 25, 2005

Gotta Catch 'em all

Isn't it great some times to see how creative people can get. How imaginitive they can be when it comes to their every day surroundings. It could be from rearranging the furniture, to putting up pictures in different and varying locations. Or perhaps, painting a wall a new dull or vibrant color. Or better yet, change your tertiary surroundings, like the music you listen to, the path by which you travel to work or the store.

However my friend Hugo sees life a little differently, out-side-the-box or afuera de la estuche if you will... I guess his changes can also include living things. I had never thought of that before, but he's on to something. I mean how can you limit yourself to just inanimate things? What better way than to change even living things. I mean, why not shave a cat's fur, or wait... how about dye a cat's tail tip and mane? DAMN! why didn't I think of that?! How much fun would life be when it came to being able to change those things too. I think Paris Hilton can do the same with her little chihuahua... Listen up peeps... this man is going to be huge, HUGE!...