Friday, August 26, 2005

Hou na hoaloha...

Hou na hoalohaGang signs like no other yo! Or would that be "oui"? We've got our Canadian possie in the hizouse! Yeah yeah... Nathalie and Mathieu openned their home to a bunch of fools...err friends. I had the good fortune to be included in on this soiree of theirs. Unbeknowst to me, Mathieu is quite the chef. Actually chef probably doesn't quite do him justice. I had been at the beach earlier that day with My halau bretheren basking in the sun and taking in the waves. I had been there all day, and then for the later half dinned at Nathalie and Mathieu's.

Getting there, I was late, but that didn't matter it seemed. They hadn't had dinner yet so it was okay. Wine bottles were around at this table set for 10. Talking, laughing and carrying on. Topics of conversation ranging from Whislter in Vancouver to life in Montreal to life in Los Angeles.

You can see in our picture there, the lot of us throwing up our gang signs...

Pictured left to right:
Kama, Stephanie, Nathalie, Mark, Mathieu, I don't remember, Meg, and Shawn