Thursday, May 19, 2005

A day at Electronic Entertainment Expo [E3]

Alright people here it is a little something from my day at E3. There was a ton of stuff to see, eye candy galore, and the games were cool too. Seeing that there were three new consoles being premiered, it was definitely one of those events worth attending. We had a chance to check out some of the games at the Xbox booth, premiering their Xbox 360. Not bad... a lot of their games looked incredibly awesome. In addition, the new Playstation 3 was quite trick. Sadly though we really didnt' see it. We tried to take a look at it in their presentation, but seeing how long their line was to see an 8 minute clip of fan fare, we dicded to wait for either the real thing or internet clip surrogates.

There was quite the booth display put on by Gizmondo. Gizmondo, the name itself sounds like some UK chap was trying to join a bunch of semi related words to form a "chimera" word. You know, you can image this 'bloke' at a pub swirling his pint and watching the head just barely make the lip of his glass, chanting to himself a number of words. And then out of a semi-ladden stupor he yells, "GIZMONDO!!!" with heavy cotney accent. The booth was great, they were trying to push their version of a PSP. It was supposed to be able to play games, take pictures, watch movies. yadda yadda yadda. What impressed me most was their display of breakdancing, they were pretty cool. And on top of that their scantily clad mammary members. Yeah that helped too.

We had the fortunance to meet up with Adam's old bosses from a company he interned at in Florida. Sounds he was well missed and liked. These two fellas were of "influential management" at EA. yeah, nice!

There was however some nice ladies at the Techmo booth. We got to the show early so it wasn't hella packed. We cruised by the booth only to have our eyes graced with that of the Techmo girls. Hmm... Being it early in the day, the line to take pictures with these bevies wasn't long. So of course Adam and I, doing our manly duties, decided to take our pictures with them. Adam went first and then myself. Funny enough, I guess our presence got two of them talking. As i went up to have my picture taken, one of them so graciously pointed out my tattoo on my right arm:

girl to my left -"Ooohh nice tattoo!"
me -"Why thank you."
girl to my right -"so where you guys from?"
me - ad libbing "Maui"
girl to my left - "see i told you!!" [referring to girl on my right]
girl on my right - "Maui, New Zealand or Maui, Hawaii?"

Now let's stop here. The suprising statement made by the beauty on my right, made me chuckle inside. How cute. Now the question becomes, "do i take advantage of her lack on intelligence or do i continue to just look handsome and smile for the birdie?" what do you think I did? Exactly, "CHEESE!" I think Adamn and myself left an impression on the two of them, because as I left, they continued to look at us. How do i know, well, the fact that I kept looking back helped.

Well the day was great... by then end we were beat. On our way back to the metro station, we had to quell our hunger by buying of those bacon-wrapped hotdogs those vendors sell outside the convention center. Man those things are great! And they hit the spot so well. We hoffed it back to the station and got on. The funny thing though about taking the subway was it was our first time doing so. Both Adam and myself had never had the opportunity until now to ride this sucker. So we get on to make it back to Universal City station. We figured just ride this sucka back to where we came. Well it wasn't that easy, see, getting to downtown from Universal City was a simple ride. Buck getting back, we actually had to get off and make a connection change. So we stayed on the train from downtown then it stopped, a bunch of people got off, and we noticed it started going backwards. OOPS! It was going back to down town. Some of the nice people one the train informed us that there was a connection change that needed to be made at Wilshre and Vermont. "Get off the train, go down stairs and then take the Red-Line to Universal City. You'll be fine." Seems we weren't the only one to make the same mistake. As well we saw how many people who also attended E3 took the subway. How funny is that.

It was a good day...